Succes story - Accurate cleaning crucial for horticulture

Tray washing line optimized with technology from JUMO

In modern horticulture, tray washers play an indispensable role in cleaning and disinfecting crates, vases, buckets and transport carts used for transporting, processing and packaging products such as vegetables, fruits and flowers. Limex Machine Exploitatie located in Panningen (NL) builds washing machines (washing tunnels) for the horticulture and ornamental horticulture sector and delivers worldwide. To do so, they use measurement, control and analysis technology from JUMO. Read more about this succes story here.


For tray scrubbers to work optimally, a number of ratios need to be exactly right. Limex designs tray scrubbers according to the Sinner Circle principle also called the T.A.C.T. circle (Temperature, Agiation (mechanical time), Chemistry and Time). 

If one of these factors decreases, the others must be increased to maintain the same level of cleaning. Each washer uses temperature measurement, control and analysis technology. Recently, Limex used JUMO measurement and conrol technology to further optimize its various procution lines. 

Crate washing machine Limex

High hygiene standards

Thorough hygiene and quality control are essential for any food processor. At Limex, therefore, nothing is left to chance and the washing machines are precisely tailored to the customer's specifications. Even with minimal use of water, energy and chemicals, they deliver maximum washing results.

The washers' flexible construction line provides for cleaning from 150 to as many as 4.000 products per hour.

Limex product development

Foto: Limex. Optimizing the concept is an ongoing process

Maintenance Limex

Foto: Limex. Regular maintenance is key for optimal process flow

Project results

For Limex, the cooporation with JUMO results in precise control and optimization of various aspects within the cleaning process. For this, Limex has succesfully used conductivity measurements, analysis readout units and a temperature control system from JUMO.