Electrodes for redox potential measurement

Voltage measurement can be used to determine the redox value, which provides information about the oxidation and disinfection power of the (chlorinated) water. This way, the redox potential is an indicator for the ratio of disinfection and organic substances. Redox sensors from JUMO ensure reliable redox measurement and therefore water quality.

  • Product selection guide

Electrodes for redox potential measurement

Hits: 7
JUMO tecLine HD - Redox combination electrodes

JUMO tecLine HD

Redox combination electrodes Basic type: 201026
The electrode acquires the redox potential of water and aqueous-based media. A robust industrial electrode for the most demanding applications with increased dirt and poison load as well as oil-containing media.
  • Measuring range: ± 1500 mV
  • Temperature: 0 to 135 °C
  • Process pressure up to 13 bar
JUMO ecoLine/JUMO BlackLine Redox - Redox combination electrode with glass or plastic shaft

JUMO ecoLine/JUMO BlackLine Redox

Redox combination electrode with glass or plastic shaft Basic type: 201010
The electrode acquires the redox potential of water and aqueous-based media. It is used, among other places, in swimming pools, aquaristics for monitoring and treating drinking water, and in greenhouse technology.
  • Measuring range: ± 2000 mV
  • Temperature: 0 to 60 °C
  • Process pressure up to 6 bar
JUMO reference electrodes/diaphragm tube - For acquiring pH and redox values

JUMO reference electrodes/diaphragm tube

For acquiring pH and redox values Basic type: 201083
Reference electrodes provide a constant potential for potentiometric measurements. They are used to record pH or redox values.
  • With plug head or screw head
  • Temperature 0 to 80 °C or 0 to 135 °C
  • Pressure range up to 10 bar
Laboratory redox combination electrodes - In glass or plastic shaft version

Laboratory redox combination electrodes

In glass or plastic shaft version Basic type: 201035
The electrode acquires the redox potential of water and aqueous-based media. It is mainly used in general laboratory applications.
  • Measuring range: ± 2000 mV
  • Temperature: -10 to +135 °C
  • Insertion length 120 mm
Redox single or double electrodes - With glass or plastic shaft

Redox single or double electrodes

With glass or plastic shaft Basic type: 201082
In connection with a reference electrode the product detects the redox potential of aqueous media. Metal double electrodes are used to measure the end point in amperometric titration.
  • Measuring range: ± 2000 mV
  • Temperature: 0 to 135 °C
  • Process connection: Pg 13.5
JUMO tecLine - Redox combination electrodes

JUMO tecLine

Redox combination electrodes Basic type: 201025
The product acquires the redox value of water and aqueous-based media. This high-quality industrial electrode is mainly used in swimming pools and for drinking water disinfection.
  • Measuring range: ± 2000 mV
  • Temperature: -10 to +135 °C
  • Process pressure up to 10 bar
JUMO tecLine HY - Redox combination electrodes

JUMO tecLine HY

Redox combination electrodes Basic type: 201027
The electrode acquires the redox potential of water and aqueous-based media. This robust electrode is suitable for demanding and hygienic applications in the process industry. JUMO tecLine HY redox electrodes have a high-quality zirconium dioxide diaphragm.
  • Measuring range: ± 1500 mV
  • Temperature: 0 to 135 °C
  • Process pressure up to 6 bar

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